It is absolutely crazy to me that there is such a silent problem of human trafficking in our modern world. The craziest part is that most people don't even know about it...well that needs to stop! Here are some confirmed (and disturbing) facts about the sex trade in the United States*:
- At least 100,000 American children are being used for porn or prostitution every year
- Investigative research reveals that pimps commonly sell minor girls for $400.00 on US streets
- 12 is the average age of entry into porn and prostitution, but their ages are often mislabeled
- 1 out of 5 pornographic images is of a child
It may seem like this problem is far from us, but the closer you look the more disturbing it is that this is taking place in our local schools and street corners. Here are some resources on the subject/issue and ways to get involved in the fight against this ridiculous problem:
Article: Recent police activities
Organization: Seattle Against Slavery
Organization: Shared Hope Inernational
Short clip: Women to go
Upcoming documentary: Sex + Money
*Facts pulled from following this document