Wow, the Taj Mahal was a great experience!*
It's difficult to post about seeing the Taj Mahal without being completely sappy and hokey. The whole complex was amazing with a large entry gate at each side of the main courtyard. After entering the courtyard there was a large red entry gate. If you peaked through you could see the grand Taj Mahal beyond the many reflecting pools, fountains, gardens and platforms. The massive marble structure was so pure white that it almost glowed. It's amazing to think that a man had it built in honor of his favorite wife who had passed away. I hope he was as good to her in life as he was in death.
After taking a good 30 minutes to wander through the gardens and gawk at the building from afar we decided to make our way inside. There were stations for the locals to leave their shoes before going inside, but the visitors usually put covers over their shoes instead. It seemed to me that part of the experience was feeling the cold marble on your feet, so I left my tennies at the shoe station (hoping they would still be there when I returned).

Once inside we met up with a guide who spoke in run-on paragraphs, never taking a breath.** He told us that all of the flowers and decorations of the structure were actually precious jewels inlaid in the marble, not paint as you would expect. The detailing and size of everything was absolutely amazing. After our whirwind time inside the building our guide whisked us away to a different part of the complex. After walking through the whole complex with the guide he tried to convince us that the tour was not over until we visited the souvenir shop that he knew of. We finally shook him, convincing him that we would meet him outside the gate. When he finally left the four of us; Gene, Omar, Varonique and myself were able to look around slowly and snap pictures. We wandered around thinking about history and life.
Once we were done we headed out of the complex and sure enough the guide was waiting there for us, ready to take us to the souvenir shop. In the shop they sat us down in white plastic chairs and continued to tell us that we needed all of the things they were shoving under our noses. We put up with it for about 5 minutes and then made our ways back out onto the busy street where one nice gentleman leaned into Varonique and kindly asked, 'Would you like to buy my goat!?!?!' (hahaha, that was a fun moment).
For lunch we sat in a cafe just outside the walls of the Taj Mahal complex and enjoyed a delicious meal of fried rice and mixings. Omar (like any decent Mexican) had tequila with him. We decided to make the meal a trully multi-cultural experience with tequila and Indian food. However, we were having so much fun that we completely forgot about the tequila in the end and just enjoyed the day in our silly sober state. From the restaurant I enjoyed looking down at the busy street of Agra, with rickshaws and motos zooming this way and that.
After lunch we made our way to the Agra Red Fort where I fed a chipmunk from my hand and almost got attacked my a monkey who had strong feeling that I should not go to the Water Closet. During our time at the fort the four of us also decided that currency should be measured by the number of sweets it can buy rather than how many US Dollars it can be changed into. (1 South African Rand can buy 5 sweets).
We also saw where the king kept his harem...nice!
It was so much fun to spend the day with my new friends chatting about our travels and common interests. Somehow this one day get-away felt like a 2 week vacation! It was super duper fantastic and freeing. I came away with it having a new outlook on life and remembering that life is meant to be light and fun sometimes, not always so heavy and serious. I have no idea how it accomplished it, but it was one of my favorite days in a very long time.
*Except for the people constantly bugging you to hire a tour guide or photographer...that got on my nerves
**the guide got on my nerves because he spoke so quickly and he kept TAKING my camera and snapping pictures. I like my pictures to be what I took...not some random guy. So I deleted most of the photos that he took..annoying
After taking a good 30 minutes to wander through the gardens and gawk at the building from afar we decided to make our way inside. There were stations for the locals to leave their shoes before going inside, but the visitors usually put covers over their shoes instead. It seemed to me that part of the experience was feeling the cold marble on your feet, so I left my tennies at the shoe station (hoping they would still be there when I returned).
Once we were done we headed out of the complex and sure enough the guide was waiting there for us, ready to take us to the souvenir shop. In the shop they sat us down in white plastic chairs and continued to tell us that we needed all of the things they were shoving under our noses. We put up with it for about 5 minutes and then made our ways back out onto the busy street where one nice gentleman leaned into Varonique and kindly asked, 'Would you like to buy my goat!?!?!' (hahaha, that was a fun moment).
After lunch we made our way to the Agra Red Fort where I fed a chipmunk from my hand and almost got attacked my a monkey who had strong feeling that I should not go to the Water Closet. During our time at the fort the four of us also decided that currency should be measured by the number of sweets it can buy rather than how many US Dollars it can be changed into. (1 South African Rand can buy 5 sweets).
We also saw where the king kept his harem...nice!
It was so much fun to spend the day with my new friends chatting about our travels and common interests. Somehow this one day get-away felt like a 2 week vacation! It was super duper fantastic and freeing. I came away with it having a new outlook on life and remembering that life is meant to be light and fun sometimes, not always so heavy and serious. I have no idea how it accomplished it, but it was one of my favorite days in a very long time.
**the guide got on my nerves because he spoke so quickly and he kept TAKING my camera and snapping pictures. I like my pictures to be what I took...not some random guy. So I deleted most of the photos that he took..annoying