Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Come, again?

I've been taking notes in meetings for a couple of years now.  Through this experience, a few things have become evident.  One is that people are simply not good at listening to each other. 

In almost all meetings that I've taken notes for people repeat themselves and others constantly...and the funny thing is...they always think their idea is original (even though someone else made the same point a few minutes earlier).  It's never so evident as when you are taking verbatim notes for a meeting

Here's an example:
10:35am - Participant 1 says under her breath, 'Man, I really want pizza...we should have that for lunch'
10:43am - Participant 2 says to the group, 'I heard that Little Caesars is really good, and think we should have pizza for lunch.'
10:52am - Participant 3 says, 'I have a great idea, let's have lunch and let's go to Little Caesars...for some reason...I have a craving for pizza.'
10:59 - Participant 4, 'So we're having lunch at Little Caesars today right?'  All others reply 'I don't think we agreed on that...don't we need to make these decisions as a group?'

It's no wonder that meetings are so useful and productive!  We rarely listen to each other, or ourselves for that matter!

Also, even those people who are extremely well-written are not necessary well-spoken.  The poor grammar in spoken sentences is astounding.  When I go back to read my verbatim notes, I can hardly understand what the people are trying to say because there are so many inside out and upside down sentences.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Tarrytown - the hollow

Through door, turn right, veer to the left, down hall, turn right, through door, down stairs, more stairs, door, right, left, right at Y, stairs by the fountain, right, stairs, door, door again, cobble path, left, right, left, up stairs, past statue, through brick entyway, up brick stairs, right, through iron gate, into mansion

These are the directions to get from my room to the restaurant at the Tarrytown House Estate. Mmmm...I love it!  I feel like I should be dressed in some ridiculous gown, meeting up with eligible bachelors to chat over tea under a nearby tree (I wish that was reality).  This town is also known as the Sleepy Hollow, as it is the setting for the famous tale by Washington Irving.

Tarrytown New York has been a great experience so far.  I arrived yesterday, and today I ventured into town to send some mail, buy some gloves (it's quite chilly here) and get some coffee.  The local coffee shop I went to, Coffee Labs Roasters, was absolutely awesome.  I had my first hemp milk mocha today...it was weird.  The Coffee Labs  only buys fair trade coffee, and they roast their own coffee in the shop...and not in the back either, they literally roast it in the middle of all of the tables and everything.

The meeting that I'm coordinating starts tomorrow, so it might get extremely busy at that time.  Luckily, that's the kind of busy that I like.  For some reason I love to coordinate meetings.  Call me crazy...you wouldn't be the first...or the last for that matter.

P.s. I'm glad that I don't have TV...because I'm watching Cake Boss right now and have never wanted to eat dessert more in my LIFE...it's TORTURE!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Thankful - God

I cannot apologize for writing about God on my blog a little....or a lot. I have thought about including these items on my blog, and decided that there is no way around it.  My God is such a large part of my life that I can't share my thoughts without including Him.  This particular post will be very God-heavy.

When thinking about what I am grateful for during this wonderful time of year (it's all snowy outside right now by the way) it occurs to me that what I am most grateful for is my wonderful God.  I became a strong believer in Christ when I was 13 years old, and since that time I have not ceased to grow.  I can't explain the person that I once was, compared to the person that I am now.

I'm still nowhere near perfect, but I am slowly but surely learning what is right and wrong.  I've never seen a reasoning in the Bible that has not stood the test of time, and the test of my life.  What I read in the Word is pure wisdom, without exception.

Dear Lord - thank You, sincerely, for your Word and Your guidance.  I do not know where I would be in this life without you, but I can promise that it would not be a great place.  Please continue to teach me how to live, and give me strength and patience.  I do get tired sometimes, but I'm always strengthened by You.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


In Webster's Dictionary, thankfulness is defined as:
1: conscious of benefit received
2: expressive of thanks 
3: well pleased : glad

If anyone in this world has reason to be thankful for material things, it is us in the United States.  Even homeless people in our country are cared for, if they choose to accept the services that are provided (and sadly some choose not to accept them.)

However, are we the most wealthy in spirit, mind and soul?   I have seen people in other countries with such faith, faith that inspires and humbles me a great deal.  I have seen extreme family loyalty and neighborly love...things that we are not exactly known for in this country.

Let's make a real effort this Thanksgiving season to become people of character, and people who are thankful for the things that really matter in life.  Let's become truly thankful for our loved ones, and the One looking out for us.  These material things really don't matter much, in the grand scheme of things.  Let's choose to be well pleased and glad for our friends and family, let's express thanks for a free education and jobs that pay a wage enough to live on and let's become conscious of the benefit we receive from giving to others.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Things that make me feel all warm and fuzzy

  • Snuggles from my niece or nephew
  • Ferny-girl moments of uncontrollable laughter
  • Watching my sister and brother-in-law have fun with each other and fall deeper in love
  • Tea!
  • A hug from a close friend
  • Waking up without an alarm
  • Sunshine in my cubicle at work
  • Jogging - especially in the morning
  • A quiet evening with friends, a movie and my knitting basket
  • 'Aha' moments
  • Louis Armstrong
  • My puppy wagging her tail (and that happens a lot!)
  • When God whispers in my ear
  • Hope for the future
  • Holding hands
  • The Cosby Show!
  • Lindy-hop
  • Taking a bath
  • Open fields to run through
  • Chipmunks
  • Arts and crafts time with children
  • Cinnamon toast (the way my mom makes it)

Thursday, November 11, 2010


**this is not a depressed post, but a prostrate convicted post.  I write this with hope**

I am frequently impatient and harsh.
Many times I put myself on an undeserving pedistal, speaking about the greatness of myself and the things I've done.  I buy into these things, thinking that I caused them, and I take credit.
I choose to be rude, when I could be polite.  I am selfish and stand up for myself unnecessarily.

What is that saying, turn the other cheek?  Yeah right!  If I don't stand up for myself who will?

I frequently get puffed up and angry about the smallest thing.  I don't let these things go.  I know the Truth, but many times I choose to go without it.  I do not protect what is right, I don't know how to trust (that's scary).  I have lost hope, and am sick of waiting it out.

Thank my God that there is someone else who is better at this loving thing...because I certainly fail frequently.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ballade of utmost importance

Warning: this poem is not good...

I'm walking from afar,
Cold and wet
The situation is bleak and limited,
Even without your presence
You're so inconsiderate, absolutely stupidic,*
cramping my style
If not for you I would be home

Looking so innocent,
Shiny and new
With a pink 4 hanging
Highly suspect for lack of skill
Think before you commit
That was the wrong choice
You're all up in my business

Perhaps the signs are not clear?
or you are too drunk to read?
sometimes too far
2 hours...maybe 4
other times too close
Sundays and Holidays
Yellow lines or white

Consequences are needed
Give them the boot!
Learn to park before coming back, douche
thank you, adieu adieu

*This word was made up for this poem, specifically, I do not endorse the use of it in any official documents.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Tramp stamp

Do you think Ken regrets getting a tramp stamp in the shape of a heart? I wonder if this was a sober decision, or if it was a drunk dare by some of his crazy frat buddies.

I was playing house with the little girl I mentor today, and saw this doll. I definitely L-ed O L.

Monday, November 1, 2010


On my way to work this morning, I saw an old man sweeping the sidewalk and street in front of his house. I thought to myself 'what a beautiful yard', and said a little thank you in my head to the gentleman for helping make my neighborhood a little more beautiful.

Beauty is intentional, buildings, paintings, groomed sidewalks, the trees and grass. These things were created to be beautiful, and I'm thankful for those who make them for my eyes to see. How can I add to the beauty?