Friday, May 6, 2011

Sex trade - Soap box

***I have been reading and learning a lot about the sex trade industry (including porn, strip clubs and prostitution). I will be posting my thoughts about this as I learn.  Please note that I am LEARNING and although some of the posts in this series might seem upset or judgemental...I understand (and I hope you do too) that it's all part of the learning process and that I'm grappling with the issue....not passing judgement or assuming that I'm an expert***

Yesterday I started (and nearly finished) the book Renting Lacy.  This book is about the current situation of trafficked and prostituted women in the United States.  Actually, I should say: trafficked and prostituted GIRLS in the United States.  Did you know that the AVERAGE age of girls starting as sex workers (whether it be for prostitution or porn) is 12 to 14?!?!!? 

Do you realize that these girls would be in 5th or 6th grade? 

Do you realize that when you watch that porn that 'all guys watch' you are inadvertantly feeding this disgusting machine that steels girls from their neighborhoods and possible happy life? Do you realize that the demoralization of the United States is increasing the demand for young girls?

I'm so frustrated and flabergasted by this situation right now.  Thousands of our 12-14 year olds are being used to feed the sexual perversity and hunger that is present in this country.  Call me a prude if you like...but this is one major reason why I don't think porn is just feeds the cycle...and it makes me want to weep and vomit all at the same time.

Please - Let our children be children...not your way to get off.

  • At least 100,000 American children are being used for porn or prostitution every year
  • Investigative research reveals that pimps commonly sell minor girls for $400.00 on US streets
  • 12-14 is the average age of entry into porn and prostitution, but their ages are often mislabeled
  • 1 out of 5 pornographic images is of a child

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