Friday, July 1, 2011

Art - Nick Cave Soundsuit

When I first entered the exhibit at the Seattle Art Museum I was not completely enthusiastic by the idea. I thought some of the suits went a little overboard...and didn't really understand the point. I was like:
'WTH man...there's a bear made out of sweaters?'

After some time of walking through the exhibit, I began to like the different suits that were surrounding me and finally fell in love with the concept. The change happened when I saw a plaque in one of the back rooms, with the original Soundsuits, which explained the idea and reason for the art.

The soundsuits originated in Nick Cave's mind, just after the beating of Rodney King in 1991. He was sitting under a tree in a park contemplating that perhaps if Rodney had been masked, and cops had not know that he was a black man, the beating might have never happened.

His first suit started by him picking up a twig from under the tree.  He made an entire suit out of the twigs,  suit that would have masked King’s identity as a black male. After completing the suit, Cave put it on and heard the twigs rubbing together, making quite a bit of noise...and the name Soundsuit was born.

Nick Cave has said the following about the concept: 'When someone’s gender, race, and class are masked others must look at that someone with new eyes. At a masquerade, for example, we have to decide about each figure we meet whether to run from it or hug it.'

I want to hug it!
Sometimes I struggle with the concept of art.  What makes something art? This is an age old question, and I'm not even going to try to pretend like I know the answer.  However, what I do (think) I know is that what is art to one person is not necessarily art to the next. I also know that the Nick Cave Soundsuits are art (to me). They touch something deep within my soul.  Perhaps it's because I understand the purposeful masking of onesself to trully express what is within.I relate to the soundsuits. 

A not-so-secret part of me is the part that enjoys dressing up in costume.  I take every chance I'm presented with to be a mascot or to wear a silly wig.  I enjoy expressing myself without words, and also enjoy that, when wearing a complete costume people  have no idea who I am.  It's so much fun to act like a complete goof ball with noone knowing that it's you (although I'm usually a goof ball even when I don't have anything covering my face).

In addition to the freedom of your identity, these suits also offer a ton of fun because the materials moves in a great way when you dance.  I've never worn one...but I'm pretty sure it would make my year if I ever got the opportunity.  In the exhibit there was a video with some of the suits dancing and watching it actually made me giddy...a reactiont that was not expected.
Nick Cave has said,  “Movement is a method of protest. Without movement there is no sound, but movement activates.”

Youtube video

I got the opportunity to see some of the suits dance while they were in Seattle, and took some quick photos :)

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